Friday, October 28, 2005

$23,000 in a month

Another awesome day in my life. I have to tell you, I just feel like this is a complete dream come true. I am apart of one of the most amazing businesses in the world. Coastal Vacations is phenomenal, I am beginning to see everyone around me reach different levels of financial success. My brother who so has had a month of about $23,000. That was almost of years salary at one point in my life. Actually, it was a years salary when I was a nursing assistant. This is the same guy who told me this was a scam. 6 months later he was on board, 4 months after that he has a $23,000 month. Most people only dream about this type of income now we actually get to see it. I can not tell you how many infomercials I have seen envying the person on there who was bragging about the big house or the nice cars. I no longer envy them. I now have that business and the best part is I get to share that with new people every day of my life. I don't have to feel like there are some sort of amazing secrets to this business. I am able to teach people step by step how to do the same thing I do. In fact many times they are able to actually listen in on the telephone as I conduct my interviews.

I am so excited for my new associates/team members right now. Six months to a year from now most of them will be experiencing major life changes as well. I can't wait I will actually have a front row seat as I get to watch those changes take place. Jen, Virgil, Bob, Fred, Tony, no doubt these guys will become the next multiple six figure earners as well as myself in the coming year.

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