Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Earn money through the summer with a home based business

The Summer time is one of the very best times to build a home based business. During the summer time people are off work and thinking about how bad they don't want to have to work. During the summer, other people with a home based business tend to slow down or slack off so that means that if you own a home based business you have far less competition. It's best to get started working from home in a low competative environment which is what the summer provides. Also many manufactures offer some of the biggest contests during the summer time! In the next few paragraphs, I will explain my points above alittle further.

The Summer months are the ones in which most people take time off work and travel. This is vacation time, wedding time, out door picnic time, lake time, and beach time. People are resting relaxing and inevitably thinking about wanting to relax and vacation more often. This is when people often times consider working from home or starting a home business, so they can have more control and more freedom in there lives. These are exactly the type of clients you want to talk to if you are in business development from home. Also if you are in the travel industry such as we are then this is inherently a great time of the year for obvious reasons. Have you seen our website >> www.flexiblebiz.com/

Also this time of year other home business owners start taking time off. They procrastinate this time of year more than any other. The fact is that 95% of home business owners are part time and only operate a home business for extra income. That means there business is not often their top priority. During this time of year vactions and time off with family tend to become a much higher priority. This is a great time to maximize your business as we just described, many people are still looking to work from home but your competition has taken the summer off.

Many manufactures that home businesses represent understand that their distribution channel (the home business industry) slows way down due to a lack of people work. So they offer some of their very best contests during the summer months. It's also this time of year there are less people competing for those contests, so they are ususally much easier to win.

In summary, if you are looking to get started working from home then there can be no better time than right now. If you own a home business then don't fall into the summer trap. Instead be sure to capitalize on it. Come the Fall your business will be in explosive growth and momentum!

All the best,
Jackie O'Quinn

Monday, May 10, 2010

Oil Spill in the Gulf and Gas Prices?

I heard the end of last week that the latest Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico is obviously a major crisis, however it seems that some analyst are predicting that plus inflation from out of control government spending could lead to $5 and $10 a gallon gasoline this summer? That doesn't seem too far fetched really, last summer many places in the US saw $4 a gallon gasoline. But in today's current economic environment with unemployeement hovering just under 10% what does $5 or $10 per gallon of gasoline do for you and your family? How about your neighbors?

It's a tragedy really, if you use a tank of gas per week and your car holds 15 gallons per tank then that's like $150 per week in gas. I'll be honest with you, it is amazing how unemployeement and potentially rising gas prices tremendously helped our business. The home busines industry is in a mini surge right now. People want security, people are afraid they may lose the job they have. People are getting laid off and can't find work so they start looking to work from home.

If gas prices go up this summer then people will be looking for ways to get out of commuting so far everyday. That will lead them to looking at working from home. Which just means more people will get started. Those who have an established business already will benefit from the coming growth that will be taking place through the summer months of our industry. Working from home has always been fun and lucrative but it's about to become even more lucrative over the next 6 to 12 months.

All the best,

Jackie O'Quinn
Website: www.flexiblebiz.com/goland1/oilspill