Thursday, November 24, 2005

Times to be thankful

I just like many of you have, plenty of things to be thankful for. I could fill this blog post with many different things to be thankful for. Thankful for my health, my homebased business, my friends, my family ect. However, I really want to take a different approach to being thankful. I want to thank God for experiences from my past that have helped to mold me for the better however, at the time of the experience I could find nothing positive about it. Although, it's easy to thank God for all of the positive things in life, it's the valleys that make us stronger that we often forget to thank God for.

For example my dad's death. If you have been reading my blog since the beginning or if you have went back to the beginning then you obviously know that was a very difficult time for me. To be honest with you I still think about my daddy just about every week of my life. That was one of the most tragic things that could have ever occurred to me at 9 years old. I never thought that I would get over that and I am not certain that I ever truly have. That experience although negative at the time; it has had some of the most positive effects on my life. My dad's death taught me at an early age that we are never promised a tomorrow. Such a simple phrase but most people will live a lifetime and never quite understand what it means not to be promised a tomorrow. Knowing that seeing the sun rise another day is always a priveledge has often driven me not to put off things that can be done another day. Things such as starting a business, taking a vacation, investing, looking for love, and remembering to balance needs of today with needs of tomorrow. For example, I have always tried to find a happy medium between saving every penny for a retirement that may never come, and spending every dime today and missing out on a retirement that may come. I work hard to achieve the life I have always wanted but, I make sure I take time out to have fun, or to travel. If I don't take that time out now I may not have the opportunity to take it later.

Another example, would be when I failed out of nursing school. It happened twice and nothing that I am proud of. However, it happened and thus affected my life because of it. I am thankful for that experience because it taught me to gain focus and to refocus my efforts in life towards my goals. I learned not to give up. I had to swallow my pride and reapply to school each time. I had to overcome feelings of failure, face my own weaknesses and move forward. I had to grow up and gain maturity about my goals. I had to make decisions about my life, I sacrificed a life of going out with friends and even a girlfriend or two so that I could stay focused on my goals of graduation. In fact I met Carmen towards the end of my degree and our friendship progressed partly because I was online chatting during free time because I didn't have any other social life. My social life had suffered greatly at that time because I could not balance a social life with school. At the time it was a very negative experience but I thank God for what I have learned from that experience. I also thank God for Carmen as she came from that experience as well.

I challenge you this Thanksgiving day to look back upon your life at the valleys that you have experienced. Is there anything about that experience you can look back on and thank God for. Has it affected your life in a positive way or have you learned a positive lesson from it. If you can, I ask that you leave a comment to that effect so that others reading my be inspired by the valley's that you have overcome in your life. Make yours a great holiday.

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1 comment:

Zan said...

For some reason, I find myself constantly immersed in your blog, like a Harry Potter fan awaiting the next page of your book of life to be published.

It's always invigorating to read your posts because I'm always left with a greater sense of hope... for tomorrow and for today. It's like I'm rooting for you to make it, because if you can make it, that same faith and courage that you exude transcends to others around you.

I'm going to end up posting this response as my entry for the day lol.. cuz I like to reflect on something that I read.

Here's part of my story:

The year is 2002, and I just graduated from H.S., and didn't know what I was going to do! I had only applied to 1 college, because that was the only college that I knew at the time offered a degree in entrepreneurship... and I knew that I wanted to be an entrepreneur more than anything!

Unfortunately, JWU didn't get that memo... lol... they suggested that I attend a junior college, build up my math grades, and then reapply.
You would think that I would have jumped on the gun and just followed their suggestion, but I allowed that rejection to consume and break me down and second guess my self worth. .. I never did reapply to JWU.

Fast forward to 2003, I had already been working for a year, and I was working at Bally Total Fitness, and one of the members happened to give me his card one day, and told me to stop by his school, which happened to be directly across the street.

I read the card kind of skeptical, and it said Mark Jerome, President of Monroe College. I was 'thused. After work, I immediately went to the campus, and he treated me like royalty... I didn't even have to apply officially to the school. He had me enrolled and I had a class schedule in no time.

Monroe College was definetely not one of my first choice schools, nor did I expect to stay there for long, but God had a plan in all of it, and for that I am thankful. [I'll write about that in another post]

It's been 4 years since I've graduated H.S., and most of my peers are graduating from their 4 year universities this year, and I honestly say that thoughts of inadequacy and inferiority have crossed my mind... but I'm kind of thankful for where I am. Even though I only have an A.A.S. in Business Admin from Monroe, I think in the past 4 years I've gained so much valuable life experience that school or a book couldn't give me, and it only validated even more why I want to be an entrepreneur.

In essence, I've learned there is a season for everything. My season for the past couple of years was a growing and learning phase... a hibernation of sorts to my peers. Right now, people are sleeping on me, but when you have a passion, a dream and desire to make something of your life, and to include God in that first, you can't go wrong.

I'm thankful.