Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I have to give God his

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I just had a payment clear my bank account from April in NJ. Congratulations April, I look forward to helping you succeed with your Coastal Vacations business. April is truly motivated she has already been on many of our live team support and training calls. A big congratulations goes out to Tony in Florida who brought me his first Premiere Training sale last night. Way to go Tony! Also congrats to Stacy from ND! Stacy just got started at the Premiere Level which shows that is ready to change her life as quick as possible by starting out at the highest level she could. I truly have a great team. These people are serious about their home businesses and I could not be blessed anymore than to be working with them all. So far this month with this home business I have earned $4,200 profit after purchasing the travel packages at wholesale.

I just left the Samaritan's Purse website. April's payment of $1,295 cleared my account today so I went to the Post Office and ordered her travel package and then I went to the Sumaritan's Purse website and tithed my 10% to God. So that was $100.00 for Sarmaritan's Purse. As soon as Stacy's Premiere Payment of $3,995 clears my account I will tithe that as well. Tithing is something that I have been really slack on and am quite frankly I am ashamed of it. God has blessed me with this most amazing home business and I have repaid him back by stealing his portion 10%. One of the personal issues that I dealt with when I was at Dani Johnson's last seminar was giving God his part especially since he gives me so much. To be quite honest I am giving God more than 10% especially after you take into account my many many tax advantages I have from owning a home business. It does not really matter because I will not be able to out give God.

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