Wednesday, November 09, 2005

How to succeed with a home business?

After looking around on the internet and reading many other home business blogs and discussion forms. I have realized that I know something that many others have yet to discover. I have learned to be successful with a home business. So I have decided to start posting sporadic post with tips, tricks, and hints that I have learned that have made me successful thus far with my home business.

If you are one of those random visitors to my blog that have yet to subscribe then I would encourage you to do so now. I don't want you to miss one of those nuggets of wisdom that I will pass along in the post that I will name "Home Business Success Tips". So far I am not super wealthy or thing like that however, I have learned to run and build a home business that has brought me an income of $6,000/month working part time. Everything I have learned is simple and even duplicatable.

If you are simply a casual reader of my blog; who has been wanting to start a home business. It is my goal to teach you step by step first how to find the right home business and then how to succeed with it. Please understand this is not an attempt to encourage you to join my home business. I have a multimillion dollar advertising company that helps me with that already. By the way, I will teach how to have a multimillion dollar advertising company, advertise for you on a shoestring budget.

Please feel to leave comments on my blog and I will try to address any questions that you may have. You may also email any questions or comments that you have and I will address those as well.

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Mitzi said...


I have just discovered your blog recently and am going back and reading all of your entries---this is good stuff. I have been looking at Coastal for a while and think it is a great opportunity. I realllly think I can do this and would like to go for the six figure income and be able to work from home, while travelling one day, you know--so say to get to 100,000/yr what should I plan for "advertising budget?" I need to put a plan together on how I can do this so I can show my husband the numbers and that it is very possible and here is what it will "cost me" in $$$ to make six figures! I have always wanted my own business and I believe Coastal is for me. I've never done anything like this before but if other people can do then why can't I? Your input would be much appreciated. Thanks,

Mr. Jackie O'Quinn said...

Mitzi, advertising is really not a hard science and it can vary greatly. I always tell me people to expect to spend at least 10% of what they are wanting to earn in income. For example if you want to earn $10,000 a month then expect to spend about $1,000 a month in advertising at least.