Saturday, September 09, 2006

Rest in Peace, William Hill

Mama, called this morning and told me about 5 minutes ago that Donnie's daddy ( Donnie is he fiance ) completed the final stage of life this morning at 7:00 am EST. Stacy, called me yesterday and told me that they had moved Mr. Bill, as we have always called him, to Kitty Askins. Kitty Askins, is an amazing hospice center in Goldsboro. When I was a nurse in North Carolina we sent a lot of patients to Kitty Askins. Families and patients alike loved it. The nurses were always extra gentle and caring, the nurses have that warm touch that only a "God called" hospice nurse could have. They took great care to make the facility itself feel warm and comfortable instead of the the erie cold feeling that a lot of institutional hospitals have.

Mr. Bill, had a lot of kidney problems and just a few weeks ago they finally stop dialysis. A couple of days ago he stopped eating and drinking anything. They didn't expect him to make it through the weekend. He passed on to heaven this morning. The family will have a tough time dealing with this of course but, it is made a little more difficult because Mr. Bill had always presented himself as a strong Patriarch which ruled the family with knowledge and wisdom. Even as he aged and had to be taken care of by his children, he has always commanded a certain level of respect.

I have already said a prayer and asked that God be with the family in such a time of need and, I ask that you pray for the same. I am not sure how that whole heaven thing works as far as introductions and orientation but if such things exist there. I have asked God to allow my Daddy, Papa (Mama's Daddy) , and Grandaddy (Dad's daddy) to help Mr. Bill out with that part. Hopefully, that transition will be easy on him. He was never really all that good with new situations that he didn't have much control over. That probably sounds ridiculous to some and in all honesty I doubt that is how Heaven works. I don't care, it makes me feel better to think of it like that.

I am sorry for Donnie's loss, he is the only son. I feel a sad but empathetic connection to any man that loses his Dad. I have said a special prayer for Donnie. I am crying as I write, because I am reminded of pain that I once felt so intense and unexplainable and I now know that another human is feeling that same pain, and for that I am truly sorry.

I will call Donnie later this afternoon, he isn't really the conversational type but I will simply tell him I am sorry for his loss and I hope the tone in my voice carries with it all of my expressions and feelings. To the family of Bill Hill, I love you guys and in some ways you guys have been a surrogate family and Mr. Bill was a surrogate Grandfather. I love you all and will continue to pray for you...

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