Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Have a millionaire support your business

"Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was." – Robert Louis Stevenson

Have you ever wished you could add a millionaire to your circle of influence?

In your current business do you have a millionaire in your support network (In some businesses this is called an upline)? With Coastal (http://jackie.makecoastalmoney.com) I am very fortunate to have the Coastal Wealthbuilders (http://jackie.sharecoastalwealth.com). Our support group is phenomenal, on a daily basis, we get mentored each and every day by a cast of six figure income earners. If you are not fortunate enough to have the same type of support as we have. Then I am going to tell you how you increase your support network. Or maybe you already have solid support but, just like me you want to increase that support network even further. I am about to tell you about someone who has helped me to increase my income by almost $300%. You can get access to this woman for free.

This amazing woman started in the home based business industry as a young broke cocktail waitress with only $2.03 to her name. She was completely homeless and living out of the truck of her car. Not to mention she was over $35,000 in debt. Her first year in her home based business she earned over $250,000 and by her second year she earned her first $1,000,000. Since then she has made many more millions, and still earns a six figure income from a home based business that she has not worked in for over 5 years. Her strength is in her no non-sense, simple, but straightforward approach to teaching. This woman's name is Dani Johnson, and you can get access to her by visiting her website at http://www.danijohnson.com.

Dani continues to raise many leaders up today who go on to earn six and seven figure incomes. Take Tom Challen who went from getting his two cars repoed on Christmas morning while his 4 little girls watched to earning over $211,000 his first year working with Dani Johnson. Tom did the same thing Sandy did during that year. Sandy from Michigan started attending Dani's First Steps to Success Seminars. Prior to attending First Steps to Success Sandy has called over 3000 leads and signed up no one. After her first year of attending First Steps to Success she went on to earn over $300,000 in one year and ended up with a closing ratio of 9 out of 10. She even had an 80% closing ration on leads that were 3 to 6 months old.

Dani Johnson and her First Steps to Success seminars, have truly made a different in my life. If for any reason you attend her First Steps to Success seminar and you don't think you got your money's worth they will gladly give you 100% of your money back!

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