Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Why would anyone choose to work a regular job?

I just can not understand this. If you are reading this and have any comments then they would be greatly appreciated. I just can not figure out why anyone would want to work a regular job? Now, I can understand that Coastal is not for everyone. But even in Carmen's business (my girlfriend), or my uncle and aunt who own a "Mom and Pop" convenience store not to mention my other aunt who owns a small dance school. All of us earn more than the average person would ever earn working a regular job. We all have control of our own time for the most part. We get paid directly related to the efforts that we put into our business. We control our own income. I really don't know exactly how much my aunts or uncle earn but, I am certain that Carmen and I earn way more than almost anyone with a job. In fact this year we will earn more than some CEOs of large corporations.

Yesterday, Carmen and I met for lunch we were sitting there and I told her, "Can you believe our waiter, he is working so hard. I never work that hard but, I earn more than he could ever imagine earning in this job". Please understand I am not saying this trying to put anyone down. I just can not wrap my brain around the idea that so many people work for a boss and not for themselves. Now grant it, I am glad that there are people who are employed. When I go to the ER, I want to know there is a Dr. employed at the hospital who can take care of me or my family. I want to know we can go out to eat and there is someone willing to serve us our meal. So I am glad everyone does not have my mentality. But for the life of me I just can't figure out why everyone doesn't think the way I do. If you are reading this and you can comment on it please feel free to.

I am not certain if most people are just to lazy to start their own business? Then again I don't think I work any harder then most employees.

I am not certain if the money is the issue but Coastal is very reasonable compared to most businesses to get started. Carmen's business doesn't cost anything to start you just have to be hired in first and then you can work your way up to become a business owner.

Maybe its' the benefits but, I currently afford better insurance than I have ever had before. Sure, it cost more than it did when I worked as a nurse in the hospital but, I earn about 10 times what I earned as a Nurse. So that really isn't an issue. No I don't' have the same retirement available to me either but, I can afford to put more money back into my retirement than I could before. I don't have to worry about some large corporation going bankrupt and me loosing my pension either.

I know some people just love their job and they could never imagine doing anything else. I think that is just a very small percentage. So please help me out, leave your comments and let me know why you think the average person would just to continue working a normal job?

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