Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Back home, and ready to rock and roll

I am back home. I got in yesterday at about 2 pm and almost immediately went to sleep. I woke up last night at midnight and stayed up till 3 am before going back to sleep. I woke up this afternoon at about 1 pm and I am ready to go. You may ask, "Why so much sleep?"

When I was at Dani Johnson's training seminar I slept for 4 hours Friday night, Saturday night and another 2 and a half hours on Sunday night. I was a zombie and needed some sleep. Now I am up and ready to go. Dear God, I love my Coastal Vacations business, it allows me to be the catalyst to help so many people change their lives. I had four team members at the seminar with me and that was very exciting. I know they have picked up some skills that will help their business explode. The four team members who attended Dani's "First Steps to Success" without a doubt are the team members most likely to earn well over 6 figures this year and will likely earn the most money in January. My other team members are just simply disadvantaged. I want everyone to play on the same level playing field so for their sake, those who could not go I hope and pray they are able to go next month to Dani's "First Steps to Success" seminar.

It's time to go back to work!

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