Friday, January 27, 2006

I got a call this evening...

I spoke with Jen from PA, earlier this evening around 8 pm. Jen, got started with Coastal at the Premiere Level, she had called me because she was speaking with a client who had asked her a lot of questions. She had a follow up with the client on Saturday and she wanted to make sure that she could answer all of the questions that he had asked her appropriately. I have to tell you I am so amazed by Jen, each week in her Coastal business I see her growing so much. According to Dani Johnson, income follows personal growth. The personal growth and development that I am seeing in Jen, let's me know that her income is about to explode along with the rate she is growing personally. I am extremely proud of you Jen, KEEP IT UP!

Fifteen minutes after getting off the phone with Jen, she immediately called back. I was curious as to why she was calling, I had assumed maybe she had just thought of something else that she had forgotten to ask me. What happened next has me up at 5:00 am this morning concerned about her. Before she even spoke a word I could almost tell by the silence that her presence was different. Jen, told me of a personal tragedy that had just occurred in her life. She had just gotten a phone call, it was one of those phone calls that none of us want to hear. Holding back tears, she told me that she had an appointment with a potential client but, something tragic had come up that she had to take care of immediately. To know Jen, you would know that she is one of those people who is always cool, calm, and collective. She is the type of person that has everything under control. To hear her voice quiver as she tried to remain under control, almost immediately brought a tear to my eye. I told her I would take care of her appointment and she could just concentrate on those things at hand. We are a team, heck we are closer than that we are a family. Family takes care of each other. I called her client, and apologized that Jen was unable to be there. I explained that Jen had a personal issue that came up and she asked that I take the appointment so that we could be sure to get her the information that she had asked for. The client was very understanding, so it was no problem at all.

I ask of you now, could Jen and her family have your prayers? If you are of a faith that believes in God and believes in prayers to help heal and console. Will you pause for a moment to say a prayer for Jen and her family. It is times like these that as Christians we find it the hardest to pray sometimes; thankfully we have brothers and sisters in Christ who are always there and able to intercede for us on our behalf. Having gotten to know Jen over the past few months I am certain that she would appreciate your prayers. On her behalf I thank you in advance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jackie...give Jen our love and let her know that we are indeed praying for her and her family. I hope all turns out well and we hear from her soon!