Saturday, January 28, 2006

A $7,000 day

I had only been up about 30 minutes this morning and I had gotten a call from Stacy of ND. Stacy was a training sale from Tony of FL. Stacy came in at the Premiere level and is very close to making her first training sale. When I answered the phone Stacy said, "Are you ready to make some money today?"

I responded, "Sure, whatcha got?" (assuming she was talking about a training sale) She said, "I am ready to upgrade to Level III. I have been thinking about this and I got started with Coastal to get out of debt and it just makes more since to be at the Platinum level instead of Premiere. I understand more about this business; and, I think upgrading is the best business decision I can make. It would have been better if I had gotten started there but, stepping up now is better than not".

Stacy said she had to move some money around but she would be ready later in the day to make that payment. This afternoon about 4 pm I was on my way out the door with a couple of friends to go watch Annapolis. The phone rang. It was Stacy. "OK, I am ready". I motioned to Gary and Brandon to hold on. I quickly logged into my merchant account and took her payment of $7525.00 for her Level III upgrade. I am excited for Stacy. Since returning from Dani's Seminar, I have began to see a real level of seriousness from her. I can only Thank God that I am fortunate enough to be her Director.

What a great weekend? An easy $7,000 profit. I LOVE this business. It just doesn't seem real!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jackie...What AWESOME news!! Congrats to you AND Stacy! I am eagerly awaiting tomorrow's dose of inspiration from your blog!! You are the best!