Thursday, December 15, 2005

Stacy is home

My brother is home, I spoke with him this morning he got in last night. I will probably be getting together with him later. I am excited about seeing my niece. He will be down for a week and a half; thankfully since he is working with Coastal as well he could determine how long he wanted to be gone based upon his schedule and not the schedule of an employer. I remember when he use to leave for vacation when he was in the Air Force, he always had to let them know where he was and how long he would be gone just in case then ever needed to call him back. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if this is the first vacation that he has went on in 8 years that he didn't have to leave a contact number for someone. I know that he has a great peace of mind knowing that he does not have to worry about being called back. Stacy, and I will see each other again in Dallas, Texas when we go to Dani Johnson's seminar in January.

The single accomplishment that I am most proud of since I started this business is by taking my brother on as a client/team member. He was by far the most skeptical person in my life. However, I never tried recruiting or talking to him at all about this business. I just let him sit back and watch my results. Eventually when he saw my success and realized that this was a legit business he became very interested. He got started and quickly excelled as one of my top team members. I never gave him any slack, I was afraid I would disadvantage him by giving him a discount or cutting him some lack. If anything I was so worried about his future success, so I was unreasonably hard on him. He is currently a level III Director within Coastal. I have the piece of mind knowing that I never gave my brother a fish, instead I taught him how to fish. I know that he will never have to worry about finances or working for an employer again!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jackie!

It is a daily pleasure to have you as a friend in my life! I couldn't have asked for a more generous, kind, honest friend. Thanks for introducing me to Stacy as well. I feel like I have a set of twin brothers! I am excited to see you 2 at Dani Johnson's seminar in January. Continued success my friend!! God Bless!

Mr. Jackie O'Quinn said...

Thank you so much Renae. I have to agree one of the great things about our buisness is the extended family that I have developed. You are definitely apart of that family. I have enjoyed many productive conversations with you.