Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Mark Twain said it best

There Are No Excuses

Mark Twain once wrote, that there are a thousand excuses for every failure but never a good reason. The tragedy of the average American is that whereas his or her main preoccupation seems to be money, or the lack thereof, the average person has the inherent potential to earn far more than he or she is doing currently.

I am currently running late for some dinner plans but as I was logging off of my computer I read an email and the above quote was in it. I agreed with it so strongly I felt compelled to write about it. Often when establishing individuals in business I want them to succeed so bad, unfortunately sometimes I want their success more than they do. One of the things that I have had to learn is that I have to let go of the outcome and I am getting better at that. However, what drives me insane is when someone gives you excuse after excuse about why they are not successful yet they never give you the reason. Mark Twain, said there is never a good reason for failure and he is correct however, most of the time the bad reason is our own lack of work ethic. With Decide Freedom International, I literally work 20 hours a week or less and truthfully I should be working more. However, if someone doesn't have the work ethic to succeed in a business that I literally built working 8 to 10 hours a week in the beginning then I am not so sure they deserve success.

I will give you another example I have a dear friend of mine who is like a brother to me. I would do anything for him, I love him a great deal. For various reasons he has been unemployed for a number of years, it has been said to me that he is unemployed by choice, according to others around me. I have never really believed that until a couple of days ago. I found out about a couple of companies that were looking for people to work from home and earn an hourly rate doing customer service work from home. They were paying up to $9 an hour for this job. I thought WOW, I got to call my friend to tell him about this.

I immediately called him up and told him about the positions that I had heard were available. I was so excited but he wasn't really responding. When I was done and my excitement had calmed down, he flatly told me he was not interested. I was totally dumbfounded, my thought process is you are almost 30 years old with no job, no income, and I just told you away to earn some extra income working from home but you would rather stay broke living with your mother. His excuses were, it wasn't enough pay and that wasn't something he wanted to do and he would keep applying. I realize that to most of you reading this his excuses sound so ridiculously far fetched; but, it just goes to show you what excuses we are able to make and live with. Honestly, I have a friend who doesn't want to work because clearly he doesn't have to. He would rather have his mom continue to support him. This also happens to be the person who has the most potential of anyone that I personally know. I believe he could be far more successful than even myself however, he would have to believe that first. He is by far much smarter than I am and if he had a little money and drive he could start whatever business he wanted and create a massive legacy for himself. I gave him the way to earn alittle bit of that money but he failed to take it.

This gentleman is a perfect example of someone who has the inherent potential to earn far more than he is currently doing. I will never learn to motivate those who choose to stay unmotivated. That is a lesson I have learned.

Thank You God,
Jackie O'Quinn

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