Wednesday, November 22, 2006

When do we grow up??

Lately, I have been browsing around the infamous myspace, and yes I have a myspace page. I just wonder when do people decide to grow up? I was looking up some people I went to school with. I am confident they are good people but I just wonder at what point do you decide to grow up and start truly achieving your goals and dreams. Don't misunderstand me, nothing wrong with finding yourself and having fun. But at what age do you decide to get over it and get on with it. I am finding friends well in their 20s who have pics of themselves partying and getting drunk. I assume most will simply party their 20s away and some may continue into their 30s. I don't mean to be rude, or to question someone else's life.

We live in a free country it is our own right to live our life how we choose. I just can't help but feel almost a sadness for the time these people are wasting. Most are probably doing the bare minimum to get through life, already starting a life of paycheck to paycheck. I just wish more people would take advantage of the time that we have on this earth. By the time some of my old school mates realize this life is short and they must make the most of it, many will be in their 30s. I have every intention of earning my first million before then, and earning many more millions throughout my 30s.

I too am having fun! Just in a different sort of way. I have been on several cruises, been to Australia and travel all over the US regularly. I have friends all over the country. I have ate in some of the best restaurant around. Been to many professional athletic events.

Before long I will be jet setting in a private charter jet. Taking week long vacations every quarter. Traveling all over the world. I will have time to volunteer with private charities such as City Ministries, make donations the size of many people annual salaries. The world will be our oyster and we will be making the most of it. We are creating a legacy, impacting as many people as possible. Helping other people achieve similar life goals, creating friendships like no other.

For some reason it pains me, and maybe it shouldn't to think that there are people who spend there weekends in a drunken bliss, and call it fun. I assume that it could simply be a way to escape every day life. In all honesty I could be completely wrong and I may be way off base with these feelings.

However, I simply ask that you as a reader make the most of your life! Reach for your goals and your success. Don't put your dreams off, start achieving them today. One of these days at the end of your life you may wish that you would have done things differently. Or you may be content with the memories that you are making in this life and the friends and people you are helping.

We live once,
Jackie O'Quinn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...I could not agree more