Monday, November 20, 2006

Thanksgiving is coming up

What a great holiday Thanksgiving is. We get to reflect on everything that we are thankful for. I am very thankful for my Coastal Vacations business. I am able to determine my own schedule and decide when I want to work. I have decided to work Monday (today), Tuesday, and Wednesday this week as well as Saturday. I am sure some home based business owners are taking the week off. However, I learn a while a go if you want to be unusually successful just find out what 98% of people are doing and do the exact opposite.

Someone asked me why did I decide to work on Wednesday. Well for me that is a no brainer. I am most productive calling clients when I can reach them. Lots of people will be home on Wednesday because they will be off from their regular jobs. Many people will dread work on Monday and they will remember our conversation earlier. It is an absolute privledge to be able to work from home without a boss or some time line to get your work done. I hope and pray many more people will be able to experience this in the very near future.

All the best,
Jackie O'Quinn

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