Wednesday, February 08, 2006

An email from Renae

The following was an email sent out by Renae one of the Co-founders of the Coastal Wealth Builders. Although I am humbled by the words that she uses to decribe myself, I absolutely agree with her sentiments regarding every other leadership team member. I am proud to be a part of this caring and compassionate group of individuals and to call them my friends.

It is not said often enough, so allow us to say it here to all of you. We have a rock solid Leadership Team. This Leadership Team has helped all CWB members to stay focused, stay committed, and change their lives. This leadership team has helped us to grow our membership by 39% in 2 short months! Yes, I am not kidding………..ok, well it’s actually 38.99%. That is phenomenal growth and a testimony to this system. This system that functions by the hard and honest efforts of it’s membership and it’s Leadership team.
Each of your Leaders brings a special talent to the table. They are of like minds without question and helping others is in the forefront of each of their minds. They are each grateful each day for this opportunity and this group. They want to see success in EVERY CWB member’s life and work daily to assist you in running a solid business with a solid system. All of these things make them the same. What you may not know is what makes them different. Let me tell you...............

Lynn McCallister- The mother of our group. The wisdom paired with a caring spirit to share it with us all. Lynn is the visionary on this team. We are her vision coming to life! She doesn't focus on the details, but always has her eye pinned on the long term results of each member. Her ability to let anything roll off her back makes her a unique leader and one that we all look up to.

Renae Heikkila- I don't know about this one, she can get 'err done, but most of what she brings to the table is charm and good looks ;) hehe, Hey if I don't say it, who will? LOL

Donna Cicotte- Full of grace. There is no better way to describe her. Donna is driven and talented and she demonstrates that on each call. She cares for humanity and sheds a tear for those who suffer. Donna has the ability to get 'err done! She wastes no time in finding results for all of us and she will NEVER settle for second best, NOT FOR THIS TEAM!! (Let me just say, if you were to buy a car from her, you would probably pay her twice the sticker price with a smile on your face!!)

Kim Bowen- Kim has the ability to turn anyone's bad day into a gleeful 24 hours. Yes, she is our cheerleader. She motivates and inspires us to love everyone. Her love and enthusiasm is contagious!! She does it all in her own "Yahoobi" sort of way! (Definition of Yahoobi coming in a later post in the forum, stay tuned!) This team couldn't survive without the life she breathes into us.

Cheri Flaming- The beauty is in the details! If we didn't have Cheri to cross our T's and dot our I's we would be in shambles. She sees it as a curse that her brain works that way, but we see it as a blessing from above. Cheri’s giving spirit paired with her drive and desire to make it just right for all of us is a much needed talent on this team. We couldn't function without you!

Lynette Simmons- This one may surprise you. She is a beautiful Sapphire on the outside full of life and love of the party. What she brings to this team is pure common sense and a level head. Lynette has been with us all since day 1!! She has a calm soothing spirit even in the eye of the storm. Her gifts are plentiful and shared with all of you!

Kerri Blankenship- First off, she has the presence on the phone to command your attention! She pays attention to details so you don't have to. Run it by Kerri and she will find every error and have it corrected and sent back quicker than a New York minute! Dependable and always on the mark!

Wayne Jones- Hand him a lemon and you will surely get lemonade. Show up to the call having a really down day and his words will inspire you to jump out of your rut, pull yourself together, dust yourself off and get busy!! He is motivating and inspiring to us all. Wayne is a rock and we lean on him because that is why God brought him to us. If you don't have the strength to get through the day, Wayne will show you how to find that strength, He has enough for all of us!

Stacy O'Quinn- Incredibly smart. How can I sum up Stacy? He inspires us to achieve more, but more importantly look to OURSELVES to achieve it. Stacy takes ownership of his own behavior and his own business and his mere presence on our team inspires each of us to do the same. His expectations of us are high and we are up for the challenge! He has no doubts about what we can accomplish and will always be around to encourage you.

Mary Ellen Rops- Driving the cause! Mary Ellen has never been in this for the money. Her entire desire for her entire life has been to help other people. She has a heart the size of Texas and there is room for all the CWB members we can fit, so bring them on in!! Mary Ellen has a very organized brain and is able to explain things in a common sense easy to understand manner. She has blossomed into a great leader and she will always help us to keep our focus on the people!

Laura Correia- The CWB member formerly known as Laura Sauter. Or maybe her name is &. Just kidding Laura (I am from Minneapolis, Prince jokes are HUGE here, hehe) Laura is always optimistic. She is nearly blind to negativity. What a great way to start out the morning. A nice warm cup of coffee, the clean air, and the breath of sunshine known to us as Laura! Laura’s desire to help others change their lives is so strong that it inspires us to remember, it’s not about the money, it’s about changing lives!

Jackie O’Quinn- A great visionary! Jackie has the ability to look into the future and see benefits and repercussions of each decision. His heart is huge and visible, but his common sense and no non-sense approach keeps us all on the beaten path! Jackie’s talent lies in taking a problem and turning it inside out until a solution appears! He is a great “check and balance” for all of us.

Donna Wise- Our technical guru with the patience of JOB! Donna’s forever kind and patient approach inspires all of us to take a deep breath and understand where other people are coming from before reacting. Donna’s persistence is second to none! Another visionary on our team inspiring us all to achieve more!

Missi Worcester- Passion. She brings all the passion we need to the table for all of us. Her passion for life, her passion for loving others, her passion for healing, her passion for success. Missi’s passion is obvious every time she speaks. We will all surely miss that about her on our Leadership Team. We are saddened to see her go, but understand her passion is what drives her. We wish you the best Missi and we love you!

Geneva Compton- She brings a smile so big that you can see it over the phone! Geneva is forever positive and joy to just be around. She has the ability to make us all keep our negativity in check. You just can’t be negative around her. Geneva had an immediate understanding of this opportunity and drove her business to the top! Her desire to share all she knows and all that she is, inspires us to appreciate what we have.

Chris Shaw- Chris has unselfishly paid it forward even at the expense of his own business. His desire is definitely not about the money, his desire is to help other people achieve success. He inspires all of us to care and give more! He is a daily reminder of a caring and giving spirit. Chris brings to the table a passion for other people that is a testimony in itself!

Adrien McMackins- Adrien is our newest addition and has taken on a monumental task. Her business savvy and her experience as a travel agent paired with her drive to succeed sets her apart from this pack! Adrien has a huge heart that wants to help all of our members understand their business and skip any obstacles that she had to overcome.

We are blessed to have this team. We are blessed to share our days with you! Thank you so much for giving all that you give. There is no way to say all of your talents in one post or one email. We speak from the heart when we say Thank you! We need you as a critical piece in our success formula! Thank you Thank you

Thank you!!
God Bless!

Renae, I couldn't have said it better myself!

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