Saturday, February 04, 2006

Back in Michigan

Yesterday me and my best friend Gary left at 12:30 am with my other friend Brandon following us and we arrived in Saginaw Michigan at 4:00 pm. So that road trip took us just over 15.5 hours with stops and everything. I was extremely tired and could hardly wait for that drive to be over. I brought Gary up with me this time because I knew he had never been to Michigan and I thought he would have fun hanging out with Carmen and I. Brandon, just happen to have a friend from Medical School up here and when he found out I was driving up he asked if he could follow us up. Since Brandon, and I haven't had a lot of time to catch up with each other it was fun driving up together. We kept calling each other and listening to different radio stations and laughing at the music and talk radio. We also kept calling each other to keep each other awake. My co-pilot Gary, was sleeping most of the trip. That meant Brandon and I did a lot of talking over the phone.

I was so excited when I got in town. I could hardly wait to see Carmen. I have missed her so much! Tonight we are going out to eat at a nice restaurant with Gary, our friend Melissa and her mom; I also think Brandon and his friend may be coming as well. It will be a great time, nothing like a great meal with good friends. I think God that I have been blessed with a home based business that will allow me to take time off and travel like this. Furthermore, I have been blessed to have the opportunity to help many of my friends and clients accomplish this very same goal!

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