Saturday, April 01, 2006

Congratulations to Stacy O'Quinn

"Everything depends upon execution; having just a vision is no solution." Stephen Sondheim

This past month my brother Stacy O'Quinn wrapped up with $30,100. Now that is his profit after purchasing travel packages at his cost. Way to go Stacy! He deserves it, he is a hard worker and truly desires to help other people succeed.

I always share my great months with you as well. However, as you follow my success I have to be honest and share with you the weak months. Thank God, there has not been many of them. But, this month was one of them. I finished the month of March with a big fat Goose Egg. Those of you who are still wondering what a Goose Egg is, it's a Zero! I contribute this to me allowing myself to get distracted by my recent move to Michigan. I have not stayed as focused as I should have and have not spent very much time working my business at all. Now I am seeing the results of that and to be quite honest it is painful.

I have made some changes to get refocused, Dani Johnson's last First Steps to Success has really helped with that. I have doubled my advertising. I have applied principles that I have recently learned from the motion picture The Secret. I am listening to Dani Johnson on a daily basis especially anything that I have or that she has recorded on her website related to Prospecting and Closing. I have also registered for her teleseminar that is coming up related to Prospecting and Closing. I have identified some specific areas of my prospecting that I feel I can improve; such as, connecting better with clients through the FORM process.

So here is the math behind my progress for my goal of earning over $250,000 after the cost of goods in 2006. So far I have earned $34,000. $250,000 minus $34,000 equals $216,000. Divide $216K by the 9 months left in 2006 and that comes to $24,000. So I will have to average $24K a month to reach my goal. For the month of April I am going to focus on reaching $30,000. By reaching $30,000 this month that will help me to provide a cushion for future months. Thanks for following my journey, stay tuned...

1 comment:

Adam McFarland said...

This entry is great - I love how candid you are regarding your rough month. You don't get that kind of brutal honesty from most people!

It sounds like you are doing the right things so I'm sure next month will pick up.