Monday, April 10, 2006

We had a blast this weekend

"Success is simply a matter of luck. Ask any failure." Earl Nightingale

This weekend was awesome, we went to the Detroit Pistons' basketball game. They played the Indiana Pacers and won. Actually let me start from the beginning. Carmen and Jon (another distributor in Carmen's business) put up a sales contest for their offices. The winners went to eat at Genji's, a Japanese steak house here in town and went bowling afterwards. That was Friday night, on Saturday Jon and Carmen had rented a Ford Excursion stretch limo and that was our ride to the game. Since Carmen is my girlfriend, I was able to go along. It was a blast. I guess there are more perks to this relationship than I had originally thought.

Eating at Genji's was as usual, awesome. That is one of my favorite restaurants. I love the Asian culture including their food. Afterwards, when we were bowling we had a friendly competition between the offices, it was Clean Air Concepts vs. Covenant Filtration Inc. Unfortunately they won and now Carmen has to get a plaque made for them as part of the bet between her and Jon. The loser had to get a plaque made for the winning office stating they were the champions. On Saturday the limo was awesome. It was the same type of limo Carmen rented for me on Valentine's Day. An astonishing clean white 18 passenger limo with very dark tinted windows, complete with custom leather interior, flat screen TV, sun roof, custom coolers recessed in the interior, and CD player. I love riding in limos, I need to continue making money cause I plan to do that more often. The game was a lot of fun also, even though the Pistons killed the Pacers. I am not really a sports fan but I love watching professional sporting events live. It's such a rush and there is so much you miss when watching them on TV; not that I watch them very much on TV.

So what did you do this weekend?

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