Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Wealthbuilders weigh in on Dani Johnson

Dani Johnson, is by far the premiere training in my homebased business. I recently had a guy that said he had listened on her website to one of her free trainings and thought that she was a great "motivational speaker". That quickly told me either he was lying and he had not listened to anything on her website or he was talking about another Dani Johnson. Make no mistake, Dani is not a motivational speaker she is an industry wide trainer. Don't get me wrong you may leave one of Dani's seminars and be motivated by what you have learned but the difference is this. Dani Johnson, does not motivate or encourage you to succeed she actually teaches you how to succeed. Dani teaches step by step processes which are duplicatable for anyone to follow i.e. anyone can read a script.

I recently received an email annoucing that Dani Johnson was going to be hosting a conference call for the Wealthbuilders. I got very excited by that news. The Coastal Wealthbuilders are by far the best training and support network in this industry; now combine that with a training hosted by Dani, the best trainer in the industry and that sounds like it will be an extremely profitable event for any home based business entrepreneur.

Here are some recent testimonials from Coastal Wealthbuilders who are also graduates of First Steps to Success!

"Coastal Vacations is my car to success, Dani Johnson's Seminar's turned it into a Dragster!!! The only months that I've made any money in Coastal are the months that I attended a Dani event. 9 months later that equals 85,000 dollars"- Stacy, MS

"After attending my first "First Steps to Success" seminar, I was amazed at what I had learned. Dani's training was the best I had ever experienced. No garbage, just the truth about my business. Little did I know she would impact my thinking, my marriage, the way I associate with my kids, and strengthen my faith. I encourage all of my associates to attend! My husband and I will be in Minneapolis, we have no excuse not to and EVERY reason to be there!"-Renae, MN

"Since I have become a Coastal Wealthbuilder in Sept. of 2005, I have attended two "First Steps To Success" seminars and one "Creating a dynasty" seminar. I feel that having started my business fully loaded with the expert advice and training of Dani Johnson, along with fellow Wealthbuilders and team trainers, I have totally created my own "Power-house" of success! Always invest in yourself and the rest shall follow naturally! Never wait for things to happen! Go out and happen to things!" Molly, WY

"After attending my first First Steps to Success I increased my income from $3,000 dollars a month to $15,000 dollars my very first month after that seminar." -Jackie, MI

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