Sunday, January 28, 2007

Let's get ready for another week

Let's get ready for another great week working from home. It is amazing at how much I feel like I learn about myself through the home based business industry. I have learned so much from Dani Johnson and Call To Freedom Intl. it blows my mind how people in this industry refused to plug into that resource. I have never seen a better resource for skill development than that company. The most important thing I have learned is that my life and my business serves a much greater purpose than my own personal goals and income.

When I fail, I fail more than myself. I fail the individuals and families that I have been appointed to serve, by bringing them the "Call To Freedom". What is the "Call To Freedom"? This is the belief that we are all called to be free by our God. God wants us to be successful as evidenced by the fact that he has designed us with the tools necessary to reach success. True success IS freedom, freedom to live, to love, to worship, and to serve.

This week I make the declaration to answer my call to freedom and to assist others in answering their call as well!

All the best,
Jackie O'Quinn

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