Monday, February 11, 2008

Why is 98% of the population dead or deadbroke?

Our coach, Dani Johnson teaches this concept. However, this is a perfect example of how you can hear something over and over again but still not completely get it. Learning is without question a process and this just proves that point over and over again. So Dani Johnson, teaches that

"98% of the population is dead or deadbroke by the age of 65, only 2% are financially free"

She also goes on to say if you want to be unusually successful then simply find out what 98% of the population does and do the exact opposite. For example, look for "job security". 98% of the population does this, but job security is a good way to end up looking for a pension that is likely not to be their when you are ready to retire, or to depend on a social security system that is failing fast. No one ever becomes financially free working for someone else.

Here is another one, don't try to start a business that's risky! 98% of the population is risk adverse and choose to settle for a job because they don't want to risk anything. First of all, this is a crazy statement to begin with. If business is so risky, what are you working for? Chances are you are working for a business! If you are not working for a business then you are working for the government and with cutbacks and the growing deficit that is definitely a risky job. The problem with corperate jobs is you are still taking the risk in fact you are taking more risk then your employer. You don't control anything about your job or it's future. If you the business/company you are working for starts to go under your employer will be the last one to leave the business and the last one to stop earning an income from it. Your employer makes decisions that are good for his business and his income not necessarily what's good for you.

Maybe you work for a large company and you are confident they are stable and growing. Therefore, you feel like you have job secruity. That makes perfect sense to me. You are at no more risk than the automobile employees or the airline employees were 10 years ago when they felt like they had job security. Currently most of those companies are now facing potential bankruptcy due changing economic conditions that no one could predict 10 years prior. Your stable company may be just fine 10 years from now but will it last 15 or 20 years from now. Who knows?

All I know is 98% of the population trade financial freedom for this idea of job secruity and job stability which really doesn't exist. O.K, this article is long enough. I will add more in my next one.

If you want to be a 2%er and be financial free then start a business,

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