Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!!

In a few hours it will be out with the old and in with the new. Out with your old habits, success, lifestyle, debt, income and in with the new and improved work habits, growing success, lifestyle of freedom, decreasing debt, and increasing income. This is our chance to start fresh and have a blast doing it.

I am not sure what your New Year's plans are but I pray that you spend a few moments really and truly thinking about how you will improve your life in the New Year. It's great that we get a fresh start now let's go make the most of it. This is a year where we will be able to impact more lives than ever before. We will be able to see families brought together. Single mothers will be paying off debt. Parent and children relationships improve. Young ambitious adults will get started on the journey of a lifetime. Retired couples will discover a brand new life a brand new career which will bring them a sense of continued accomplishment.

The best part is that we can have front row seats to all of this if we so choose. I ask that in 2007 you decided to make a change in your life not just for you but, for the lives of others who will be impacted by you.

Let's have a magical 2007!


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