Friday, December 29, 2006

Goals for the New Year

My goal for this past year was $250,000, if you have been following my blog then you are aware that I am not on target to hit that goal. Two demons that have constantly reared their ugly head have been procrastination and poor time management. Hence, this lead to my post yesterday! However, I will hit somewhere around $110,000 to $150,000 for the year once the dust clears and my accountant does his work. When looking back at the year two things strike me, the first is that I really just have not worked that hard. Several weeks I only put in about 5 to 10 hours of solid work and simply managed my time poorly, I have never worked more than 25 hours in a week. The upside to all of this is that I still ended the year well over $100,000.

Of course with the New Year comes new goals and new commitments. My income goal for 2007 is $500,000. I will take several steps that will put me on track to reach this goal. The first step is that I will work consistently 28 hours a week not 5 or 10 hours. That alone should double my income. I will also perfect two techniques that I have learned from Dani Johnson. One of these techniques is known as "Building a Fire" and the other is called "3 Meeting Plan".

There is also one other technique I will continue to use which I officially put in place the last quarter of this year. I will continue to leverage the efforts of a training company called "Called to Freedom International". This training company has been the best resource I have seen for someone to launch a business and get into profit the quickest. This leads to an organization that is far more successful as a whole and ultimately great profits for the entire team. It also leverages my time so that I can focus on other profit producing activity within my business. To be very blunt and honest I believe "Called to Freedom" can actually train far better than I can.

Much Success,
Jackie O'Quinn

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