Thursday, December 28, 2006

Get a JOB!

Dear readers,

I know a lot of you are business owners. A friend and business owner I love and respect sent this to me- and I have edited it to fit my own life. If I were to give you any advise for 2007- this would be it. Period, end of story, nothing more. If you do what this email says- nothing else will affect you as much. If you don’t follow what it says- nothing else will affect you as much!

You Need A JOB!

I don't mean you need to run out and get an actual J-O-B (unless you already have one) but what I mean by this is that you need to be working on...

When you work for yourself it's so easy to get LONELY as well as to get BURNED OUT from working too many hours.

After not being employed in over a year, the one thing that I find helps the most is to create a set schedule of time when I will work only on my business.

No distractions.
No TV breaks.
No running errands.
No playing video games.
No downloading music.
No email.
No phone calls to Mom.
No taking kids to soccer.
No surfing the Net.

You need to approach growing your business like a JOB.

With any job you have a DEFINED RESPONSIBILITY.

You need to have the same thing if you're running your own business. You need to hold yourself accountable.

You can do this, and make more money in your business, by committing to only WORK during at least a certain set of hours.

This could be from 10am until 2pm five days a week, or it could be only on Saturdays, or it could be 10 hours a day. But whatever it is,

you need to get serious and schedule a SET amount of time you will only work. You can always work additional hours if you choose to do so.

If you create a "Work Schedule" for yourself you will find that you are much more productive and get more done -- which ultimately leads to you making more money.

So create that work schedule and make a commitment to follow it. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised when you see the changes that start to happen and how FAST your business starts to grow as a result.

Make your schedule now, for 2007.

Get your family ready for this schedule and plan to stick to it, come hell, come high water, come fevers, come floods, come anything!

THIS WILL BE the best year of your home based business ever, with this one tip!

Have an awesome day and God bless!

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