Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Out by the fire...

I am blogging tonight in the backyard sitting by a fire that Carmen, Melissa, and I just got done cooking some Johnsonville brats with. The fire is great, there is a cool breeze blowing and the crackling of the fire is definitely relaxing. I am currently just doing some reflecting. I don't have any more advertising coming in as I just finished up with one cycle. We are getting ready to go to Virgina Beach for another Dani Johnson First Steps to Success seminar and we are driving down this time. I think I will spend the rest of the week just wrapping up loose ends and getting packed and ready for another life changing weekend.

I definitely have several clients who are getting started this month. One being Carmen's mom who has decided that she is tired of working two jobs and is ready to take control of her life by starting her own Coastal business. Carmen's parents are going with us to First Steps to Success which is one of the big reasons why we are driving down. Really there were only two stipulations that I would have placed on Carmen's mom before accepting her as a client, the first being that she come in at a higher level than Level 1 in her business, and the other being that she made plans to attend First Steps to Success. Those are the two things that will help insure a new clients' success more than anything else, other than their own determination. Thankfully, I never had to voice this two conditions to Karen, (Carmen's Mom) she immediately decided to come in at the Platinum level (Level III) and saw the benefit of getting plugged into First Steps to Success right away.

Change of subject, I am really tossing around the idea of writing a Personal Finance book. I will most likely write this as an ebook and will probably give it away or at least sell it really cheap. Ultimately I would like to start some sort of premium investing advisor service but this would be a start. I really want to take on a personal mission of financial education which starts with personal responsibility to learn about financial education. If I give the book away or at least sell it at a very reasonable price then I will remove one more excuse for people to learn. Investing is an advanced concept to basic Personal Finance, people have to understand how to properly manage their money before they can consider making investment decisions. I have been inspired by my business coach Dani to help others learn about managing money. I believe by writing a very easy to read and very easy to understand book will be a great start. I also have been considering this more and more as I watch more people earn larger incomes with their home based business. Earning more money does not get you out of debt or help you reach your financial goals. Learning to manage the money you have will help you achieve that. I also have a fear of helping clients earn more money than they ever have, and instead of empowering them to great heights, I simply give them a way to get into greater debts. It would be a shame to have a profitable Coastal Vacations business only to take on more personal debt and that is what I want to try to avoid. Once again one way for me to do this will be to provide a simple educational tool that all of my Coastal clients, team members, or anyone else for that matter, can read and apply to their own lives.

That's it for now... I'll keep you posted.

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