Friday, July 03, 2009

Update on the Honeymoon

Life is good, probably doesn't get much better than hanging out on a luxurious cruise ship. Luxury defined by, I couldn't work on this boat if I wanted to, drinks are brought to me whenever I want them, and great food is also available at anytime day or night. Today we were in Puerto Rico, while at the beach I was talking with my wife (still working on getting use to that lol). I was telling her how excited I was for our future, how excited I am for my next chapter in our lives and in our businesses.

I could criticize my mistakes if I chose too, however, if I look at the life that has been provided by our Coastal Vacations/DFI business then quickly realize how fortunate we are. I can not honestly tell you why people choose not to work for themselves. Owning your own business offers so much more in the way of flexibility and rewards. This blog itself was started before I ever even had a successful Coastal Vacations/DFI business. Going from being a Registered Nurse to Entrepreneur was vastly different and vastly more exciting. As an entrepreneur I get to help more people, more permanently, and have a greater impact on their future. I am definitely able to have a greater financial impact on my favorite charities as well.

Tomorrow we will be in St. Thomas. This will be my second time visiting St. Thomas since starting my Coastal Vacations/DFI business. However, it will be my first time snorkeling there. I am excited since St. Thomas is suppose to have fantastic snorkeling. Since our vacation two summers ago to Bora Bora, where we probably snorkeled for probably 3 or 4 hours a day, we have been looking to doing a snorkeling again. I just looked out see that we started out of port. The internet connection isn't very strong on the ship so I am about to log off.

I will give you a quick update on something else also. I think I am going to start a weekly online poker tournament. Online poker is a hobby of mine and I have been thinking about getting together some sort of a weekly tournament with like a $10 buy in. If you want to take part in this, leave me a comment or an email and I will get you the details when we do our very first one in a couple of weeks.

Talk soon,
Jackie O'Quinn
My Website

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