Wednesday, October 11, 2006

What Happens To Our Net Biz When We Die?

What Happens To Our Net Biz When We Die?

This was recently the topic that I saw posted on a discussion forum. I thought this was a great question. My brother and I have discussed this several times before. Having dealt with our father's death at a young age, we have often considered what would happen to over love ones if our life were to be ended abruptly.

Many people on that discussion forum seemed to have some serious concern about this. With Coastal, we can rest assured that we have a business that can easily be passed on to our loved ones. If we were to pass on then our family would simply changed the name on our Coastal Membership application. They would be entitled to all training sales and profits that would be coming. Also it is pretty easy to teach a family member the basics of this business. It's not like a lot of other internet businesses in which someone would have to learn all the details and skills required to be a successful internet marketer, to be able to carry on the business. With Coastal a loved one would simply plug into our training, advertising companies, and scripts. It would be pretty simple for someone to take over our business in the event that we passed away. One of things that has always attracted me to Coastal, is knowing that I am building a business that can be passed on to my loved ones.

However, if you have a net biz I would highly encourage you to simply go to work immediately. Even if you can't pass on your business to your loved ones. Wouldn't it be a shame knowing that you procrastinated with your business and never earned the income that you could have? Knowing that you passed away before getting serious about your business and building a bank account to protect you family financially after you pass on. Many of us spend a lot of time procrastinating. We are not guaranteed a tomorrow so let's work our businesses like tomorrow is our last day. At least if we pass on we will know that we gave it our best shot and did our very best to leave our loved ones in the best financial position that we could.

God, blessed us with a business let's make the most of it!

Prosper Always,

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