Monday, October 16, 2006

Back from LA

Back this evening from First Steps to Success with Dani Johnson. We had a blast, had over 60 Coastal Wealthbuilders at that event. It is always a lot of fun hanging out with people from our team. I am back home now and ready to get back to work. I have been attending these seminars for over a year and have been learning business skills that have made a direct impact on my business. It is true as I have stated in a previous post that I have not always applied the strategies that I have learned. That is changing, I have had one of my best weeks in my business this past week. I say it was one of my best weeks because of the consistency of my work. I worked 25 hours and made 240 dials to clients. I have not spent enough time focusing on the key areas that are profitable in my business; such as dialing. My goal is for the next 3 weeks to be as consistent as the past week.

Carmen, gave me a great idea. She told me to creat a goal for myself and to reward myself if I reach that goal however, if I don't reach my goal then give myself consequences for not reaching my goals. So this is what I decided, if I reach my goal of 240 dials a week over the next 3 weeks then I will reward myself. My reward will be buying myself a nice Premium Cigar, cigar smoking is something that I enjoy from time to time. If I do not reach my goal then I will not be able to go to my favorite cigar lounge for two weeks. This is a great goal because I usually stop by my local cigar lounge at least once a week on the weekends when I am home.
This often a great time for me to socialize and unwind in a completely stress free environment. It seems like my dear friend Renae expected to have a great time as well.

Prosper Always,

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