Thursday, July 06, 2006

Month in Review...

Ok, it's time for a little bit of brutal honesty. I have become complacent in my business. Making money has become relatively easy and I have settled for only earning between $10,000 to $20,000 a month. This past month in June I only earned $9,705. That is truly just my fault. If I have worked 8 hours so far this week then that is probably too much. I have not worked my business consistently in several weeks, I have allowed many excuses to get in the way. I even procrastinated writing this post because I knew that I had to be honest. From this day fourth I will change my work ethics back to and even better than they were the first quarter of this year. I have a goal of hitting $250,000 in the next 12 months. However, I am only on track to hit $140,000 if I don't improve my work ethic. This business is not difficult but with any business it does require some work.

If I was an employee with the type of work ethic that I have had the past several weeks then I would have been fired long ago by any decent employer. Why in the world have I allowed myself to get to this point, probably has a lot to do with my view of money and success. I am sure there is some sort of deep psychological reason for why I am selling myself short but the bottom line is even that is just an excuse. My business coach Dani Johnson often says, "Only when we live an excuse free lifestyle will we truly unlock our potential".

Those words are not only powerful but when you truly grasp what that means you will realize they are without a doubt invaluable. Most people will live their whole life and never grasp what the true meaning of that phrase is. I will simply say this. If your life is not where you want it then in all likelihood there is only an excuse standing between you and your goals.

Until next time...

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