Tuesday, March 04, 2008

What separates 2 precenters from 98 precenters?

This is the lesson that I was referring to several blog posts ago. I was recently taught that there is only one factor that objectively determines whether someone is a two precenter or not. This was such an incredible eye opener for me and a butt kicker if you know what I mean. So are you ready? The only way to know objectively if someone is a part of the 2 precenter category is simply this.

Two precenters consistently set goals and for the most part achieve the goals they are setting!

When I first heard this, it made perfect sense to me. When someone is setting goals and achieving them then it is impossible for them to not be achieving success. Could you imagine someone setting a lifetime of goals and hitting most of them? Just imagine the life they would lead, the family the would have, the success they would have in business, etc. It just makes sense. Notice, the goals don't have to be incredibly ambitious or large. It's just a matter of setting goals hitting them and setting new goals over and over again. It's like a magic formula for success almost.

The butt kicking part came when I went back and realized that I have almost consistently hit goals but have not achieved them. To be honest, I have to say this is because I end up have very ambitious goals. I have to rethink my goals for the year and the month and let you know what they are. I am going to focus on hitting my goals much more often.

Jackie O'Quinn

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