Thursday, March 01, 2007

Understanding Wealth II

In my last post I was talking about understanding wealth or at least my understanding of it. I mentioned creating additional cashflow and maintaining your standard of living despite the increase in cashflow. That last sentence will be the reason most people will never achieve financial success even though it is my belief I serve a God that has given us the tools to be prosperous most; of us will not lean on faith to find away to generate additional income or we will allow fear to keep up from stepping out and utilizing an additional income stream that may come our way, such as a homebased business.

Even if we create that additional cashflow, 98% of us will never be able to maintain our standard of living so that will can use that cashflow to generate more wealth, passive wealth. I challenge you to step up and be different. I challenge you to be a 2 precenter, create some free cashflow and save it until you learn how to utilize it to generate more wealth via other income streams. As you read my blog you will be able to learn as I am learning. Many things I have already learned, some I am still learning.

Other income streams in which I am currently learning and pursuing are as follows, Forex market, REITS, Real Estate, Stock dividends, and money market accounts. These income streams are not completely passive but they take minimal effort on my part. In the next couple of posts titled "Understanding Wealth" I will break them down individually and tell you what I have learned and why I like each one.

All the best,
Jackie O'Quinn

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