Thursday, August 03, 2006

Living a productive life is key

One of the areas that I am continuing to improve is with my productivity. In Coastal you don't have to work hard but it does require work. I often say that I work 20 to 25 hours a week. However, I do not stay as productive as I should during that time. I do great when I am in the moment and calling clients however it's when I stop and take a break that I procrastinate getting started back. Some times I find myself getting distracted and I take a little longer to get back to work. My goal for the year is $250,000, I am currently in jeopardy of not hitting that goal and that is completely my fault. Here is what motivates me to change, how many people have missed this opportunity because I did not get back to them as I should have. (I probably ran out of time because I wasted it some where else) How much have my goals suffered because of my lack of productivity.

Being productive doesn't mean being a slave and working a zillion hours it just means working the 25 hours a week I work now except staying focused on my task during that time. There is no boss standing over me. I am accountable only to myself, my team, and my goals. It is a matter of staying persistent and consistent with your work each day. What are we putting off for tomorrow? It's not guaranteed. Make each day our best day and at the days end know that you did all that you should have done for the day and be satisfied.

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