Friday, January 28, 2005

People to Thank Thus Far in My Life

In my last post I wrote a biography up until the 22nd year of my life. I am currently 25, the next several post will concentrate on the people who have made me who I am today. After I finish discussing the people who have shaped me and are responsible for who I am. I will focus on the last two years of my life especially the entrepreneurial aspects of it. I think this is a good time to thank the various people who have influenced my life up to this point. This list is not necessarily in order from most important to least it is in order by who comes to mind first.

First of all I want to thank my twin brother. He has been my comrade and my wing man in life. He literally spent the first 19 years of my life with me. Most everything I wrote about in my biography he went through it with me. Imagine being trapped in the jungle of life, dense foliage, an unfamiliar territory. You are surrounded by unfriendly forces who have the intention of making life torturous if not impossible. You slowly start backing up for no apparent reason; I mean you want to run but there is nowhere to go you are surrounded. Backing up is merely a defensive mental tactic as you know you are likely to be backing up into danger. Just as you think that you feel a familiar presence as you feel something touch your back. You turn to realize there is another in this jungle with you. He has similar feelings, he has been somewhat frightened also. However, now you are literally touching back to back. You realize the impeccable odds have been evened up a bit. Even if it is just by one. You are no longer responsible for just yourself there is another being guarding your back who has vowed without words but through actions to defend your life with his very own. In turn you will now guard his life with yours. You will have a renewed confidence because now live or die, you will not be alone in this fight.

Now imagine that if through some difficult triumphs both of you have survived despite your opposing forces best efforts. The worst odds were defeated and today you can write your story for others to read. How would you feel about that person that was trapped in that jungle with you but fought valiantly side by side you; until you were both eventually survivors. How would you feel about that person? Would other be able to understand what you guys went through? Would it matter? Would you be there in the future if he ever needed you again? Could you thank him enough?

No! I could never thank him enough. There were times in my life that I felt as if I were in that jungle. My brother fought beside me, supported me, pushed me when I needed it, was willing to protect me no matter the cost. For that, I am forever thankful. I was fortunate to have a twin brother in life. I can remember the first time we had to separate, it was the morning he was leaving to go to basic training. He was still asleep and I went into his room to borrow a pair of socks as I was getting ready to go to class. I left the light out so he could continue to sleep. In the darkness he whispered my name and we had an exchange that went something like this.

My Brother: (whispering) Jackie?

Jackie: Yeah?

My Brother: (as his voice cracks a little) I just want you to know; I wish you could come with me.

Jackie: (my heart sank, but I had to be strong for him) I do too but, you are going to be ok.

My Brother: (with affirmation in his voice) I know I will be ok. I just would feel better if you could be there with me.

Jackie: I know me too. You just go ahead and get some sleep while you can.

My Brother: Ok (as I was walking out the door) Jackie?

Jackie: (turning back) What?

My Brother: I love you, bro.

Jackie: I love you too.

My macho twin brother never said, "I love you". However, since that day he has not had a problem saying it. Even though we have physically lived in different places ever since that morning. He would only have to say the word if he needed my help. I know the same is true for him as well. Thanks bro, for all that you have done for me and continue to do.

In my next post I will thank my Mom.

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